The Return from Hibernation: Madison Wisconsinites Rejoice
We’ve all experienced it, and we’ve all done it. On that false first day of a Madison, WI spring when the sun is shining, the spring breeze feels warm and the Vitamin C rushes to our heads. A split decision is made; “I should go for a run today.” Running shoes laced up and “Pink Pony Club” bumping through the earphones. one mile turns into two, into three and maybe into four. Then cue the DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) over the next 48 hours. Legs are so tight you can barely walk up the stairs or sit on the toilet without yelling out in discomfort. Shins and calves feel like they are going to explode. You curse the Spring Gods for giving us a nice day that sent you into a spiral of pain for a week. Don’t let this be you this year! Here’s how:
Start prepping now with these exercises: When running, only one leg is in contact with the ground at a time. Meaning that running is a single leg activity. To prep for running, it is good to work on single leg strengthening to be ready for the season!
- Single leg calf raises: The ability to perform at least 25 single leg calf raises without taking a break is a good general rule to determine appropriate calf strength.
- Lateral lunges: Working glute, adductors and quads strength and mobility- this exercise has a multitude of benefits!
- Side plank with hip lift: Targets obliques and hip abductors to help support your hips and knees when you run!
- Banded hip flexor march: Hip flexors tend to be highly undertrained yet are the main muscle that pull your leg forward as your stride while running.
- Warm up: NO your first mile cannot be your warm up! In order to properly warm up for a run you need to get your heart rate and body heated up BEFORE your start to run. My go-tos are jumping jacks, air squats, heel walking (50 feet), toe walking (50 feet), and single leg hops. At least 6 min of warm up before you run is a good rule of thumb.
- Pull the reins: Although 3-4 miles will feel good in the moment with the sunshining. I beg you not to do this if you have not been running all winter! If you want to stay outside longer, I would recommend starting with 1-2 miles then continuing to walk after. Your body will thank you. Other options would be to run-walk (3 min run, 2 min walk) for a certain amount of time or to sandwich a run between walking (1 mile walk, 2 mine run, 1 mile walk).
- Cool Down: Walking could count as a cool down. However, a more appropriate cool down would be to target all of the muscles that were used during the run. Some examples are: down dog for hamstrings and calves, figure 4 stretch for glutes, couch stretch for hip flexors and quads, and seal stretch for your core.
- Move the days after: More than likely, if you followed the steps above, you would still be sore after that first day back running. The best thing to do once soreness strikes is to keep moving and bring blood flow to the sore muscles. Massage gun, foam rolling, stretching, walking, and other forms of physical activity like biking or yoga will help reduce soreness! Drink plenty of water and eat a balanced meal of carbs, fats, and protein to replenish your muscles.
Once the first day back has occurred, you can start to ramp up the mileage and level of difficulty based on your level of soreness! Practicing good return to running habits will not only decrease soreness but help prevent injury this upcoming season. If you do find yourself in a jam with a running related injury, let us know! We’re here to help!